Why Send Large Files via Link in Your Emails?

The French Environment and Energy Management Agency (Ademe) estimates that a simple email emits 4 grams of CO2e, while an email with an attachment emits between 35g and 50g of CO2e.

Have a file too large to share via email? A report, a presentation, high-definition photos… Don’t fall into the trap of saturated inboxes and interrupted sends anymore.

Discover FileVert, the ultra-simple solution for attaching large files to your emails effortlessly.

The Drawbacks of Oversized Attachments

Standard email inboxes limit attachment sizes, usually to 20 or 30 MB max. Beyond that, it’s a nightmare: rejected emails, blocks, slow downloads…

Sending large documents as attachments risks:

  • Your email never being received due to size limits
  • Extremely slow file uploads
  • Quickly saturating your inbox or that of your recipients

In short, oversized attachments are a hassle! It’s time to adopt a simple and virtuous solution for sending large files via email.

The Temporary Sharing Link for Large Files

FileVert is the ideal service for sharing documents of any size via email.

Its functionality is incredibly simple:

  • Select your files, no matter how large
  • In 2 clicks, FileVert generates a download link
  • Insert this FileVert link into your email
  • Your recipients click the link to download your files quickly

No more compressing or splitting your documents before sending.

With FileVert file transfers, you send links to your large files instead of attachments that take up long-term storage space.

This way, your recipients access your documents instantly with a single click, without size limits. It’s simple, convenient, and impressively efficient!

Other Advantages of FileVert for Sending Large Files

FileVert saves you precious time and optimizes your exchanges of large files via email. Here are all the benefits of this smart service:

  • No More Saturated Storage Spaces: Say goodbye to inboxes and online storage spaces filled with oversized documents. You send just a link in your email instead of a huge attachment, generating significant CO2eq savings.
  • Ultra-Fast Downloads: Your recipients click the link and download your files immediately, even the very large ones. No more endless waiting times!
  • Security and Trusted Cloud: FileVert protects your sensitive data and preserves your privacy. Your files are temporarily stored on our French servers.

As you can see, FileVert is the ideal ally for easily attaching files too large for traditional email.

With download links, no more hassles with large attachments. Simple, intuitive, and impressively efficient, FileVert revolutionizes sending large files via email.

So, ready to try it? And share your large documents quickly and easily?