How to reduce the weight of your emails easily?

An oversized email can lead to many problems. In addition to creating difficulties when loading, in some email applications, email designs beyond a certain size limit can look incomplete; leading to less than ideal results.

Consider reducing the content of your emails

It may seem obvious, but reducing the content of your email is the easiest way to quickly reduce the size of your email design. If you notice that your email is getting too long, think about how much content you’ve included and whether it’s relevant.

Including links to landing pages with more information is a great way to reduce the weight of your emails while keeping readers informed.

Optimize the images added to your email

This is probably one of the most important factors when it comes to saving space, as images can add a lot of weight to your email design.

Be aware that animated GIFs are particularly large because each frame is essentially an image. The more frames the GIF contains, the larger it is. So it’s best to avoid them. 

You can also compress the size and quality of the images.

Keep the alt text concise

Every little bit helps when it comes to saving space. Another way to reduce the size of your HTML code is to keep alt text descriptions short and concise, especially since alt tags that are too long will be cut off in email clients such as Gmail.

Other things to watch out for to reduce the weight of your emails

Many other factors contribute to the size of an email:

Formatting: messages contain formatting information in addition to plain text.
Duplicate message: rich text emails are often accompanied by a duplicate plain text version of the same message.
Attachments: Attachments also skew the average. Although some attachments are small, some can be 20 MB or more.
Headers: Header information that describes the route of the email is not visible, but it is factored into the size.